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Determining Crucible Fill Rate

November 17, 2020 | By KJLC Blog

KJLC recommends that a crucible liner be filled somewhere between 2/3 and 3/4 full when beginning deposition. The melt level should not go below 30% at any time or there becomes a risk of the beam striking the crucible, causing it to break.

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Vacuum Science Deposition Materials

Thermal Evaporation Source Selection

October 12, 2020 | By KJLC Blog

Selecting the correct thermal evaporation source can sometimes prove difficult. There are several factors that will need to be considered when doing so.

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Vacuum Science Deposition Materials

How To Chose An E-Beam Crucible Liner

August 26, 2020 | By KJLC Blog

Selecting the correct crucible liner for your e-gun can sometimes be challenging. Here are some things to consider...

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Vacuum Science Deposition Materials

Why Is My Sputtering Target Breaking?

August 25, 2020 | By KJLC Blog

Cerium oxide target

There are many reasons that sputtering targets fail. Some are material specific, while others can be avoided or prolonged by reviewing a few things before sputtering begins.

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Vacuum Science Deposition Materials

Ways To Reduce The Cost Of Depositing Precious Metals

July 28, 2020 | By KJLC Blog

A common question from our materials customers is how they can reduce the cost of depositing precious metals. Our Materials Product Manager, Katie McGough recommends some of the ways you can avoid overspending unnecessarily on precious metals such as through using a reclaim service or using thinner targets.

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Vacuum Science Deposition Materials

Tips For Thermally Evaporating Aluminum

June 16, 2020 | By KJLC Blog

By far one of the most common questions that we receive from various users is how to thermally evaporate Aluminum. Aluminum is very commonly evaporated for various applications and can be somewhat problematic. Through some internal experience and through with working with various customers, we recommend two ways to approach thermal evaporation of aluminum.

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Vacuum Science Deposition Materials Deposition Techniques

Why Did My Bond Melt?

April 21, 2020 | By KJLC Blog

As a Product Manager in the Materials Division, I field a lot of questions from customers from many different industries with varying degrees of sputtering experience. One of the more common emails that I receive goes something along the lines of, "There's something wrong with my bonding because the indium has melted out of the sides of my target." Often times the user has waited for their target, spent money on it, only to use it one time and had to stop due to the melted bond. A frustrating situation for sure.

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Vacuum Science Deposition Materials Deposition Techniques

KJLC Expands Material Information

June 28, 2016 | By KJLC Blog

"Enabling technology for a better world" is Kurt J Lesker Company’s mission. It’s what our employees come to work thinking about each day. In keeping with this goal, we strive to provide technical advice and share our experiences with our customers. We are continually adding useful technical information to our product pages, including appropriate crucibles/crucible liners for many of our materials. Z-ratios, vapor pressures, maximum power recommendations, and densities are available on the majority of our evaporation material and sputtering target web pages.

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Deposition Materials

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